Monday, July 6, 2009

Invisalign the clear alternative to braces

Invisalign-It’s Never to Late to Straighten Your Smile!

If you’re like most people when you hear the word “Orthodontia” the first
thing that pops into your mind is a picture of yourself (or someone you love)
with braces on, those crude metal clips and wires that look like something
out of the middle ages.

Perhaps that’s because you have never heard of
Invisalign® – the clear alternative to
braces! Invisalign® is an orthodontic technique that uses a series of clear plastic,
easily removable aligners to straighten teeth. The aligners are made from thin, see through plastic which are worn for 20 hours per day.

Every two week you advance to a new aligner for the next phase of treatment.
Each aligner is specifically designed to move a tooth or small group of teeth.
One of the great things about Invisalign® is that Dr. Johnson has the ability to create a computerized 3-D model. This model of your teeth will show exactly how Invisalign® will change and straighten your smile over the course of your treatment. This sophisticated proprietary software allows Dr. Johnson to review your treatment plan aligner-by-aligner and make corrections before your treatment begins. In fact, your aligners won’t even be made until your treatment plan is reviewed via the ClinCheck® system and you and Dr. Johnson are completely satisfied with the results!

The ClinCheck® system allows you to take a truly interactive approach to your treatment as well. Once your assessment and diagnosis are complete you’ll go to the Invisalign® website and set up your own webpage (no worries – it’s very user friendly!). Your web page will allow you to track your progress and even make corrections to your treatment if it’s not going exactly as you’d like. Once you’re happy you’ll give the thumbs up and your aligners will be manufactured.
This process is made possible by the Invisalign® computer software that treats each tooth individually. The results are complete coordination between all of your teeth as they move through the realignment treatment.

About 4-6 weeks after you’ve given the “okay” for your aligners to be made you’ll receive your
complete set -- from start to finish. The set will also include a patient start-up and care kit. Dr. Johnson will work with you to check for fi t and comfort and your treatment will begin!

Invisalign® has many advantages over traditional braces. To start, they are nearly invisible – people will have to look closely to notice that you have them on at all. They are also extremely easy to insert and remove, which comes in handy when it’s time to eat!

The Invisalign® aligners are comfortable and most people are use to them after the first day of wear. You may notice a mild alteration in your speech initially but that will go away. Plus, they are super easy to take care of– just brush the aligners when you brush your teeth!

If you or someone you love have always wanted to straighten your teeth and improve your smile but were apprehensive about braces contact our office (317-614-0928) to schedule a FREE consultation. You may find that Invisalign® is just what you’ve been waiting for!

1 comment:

  1. The science behind tooth movement is a consistent light pressure to cause changes in the periodontal ligament. These small changes in the ligament will allow the crown and root of the tooth to move into a new position.invisalign chandler
